What is now in price on the numismatic market
The dollar is falling, and the ruble is growing stronger. Especially - old. Antique coins…

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Лечение цистита
Where can I sell coins on the Internet
If the “old” coin collectors still prefer to sell and buy coins for the collection…

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Coin collecting as a hobby
Modern collectors collect various items. Some collect stamps, others - coins, and there are those…


This coin really can not afford neither in size nor in weight. She appeared in…


detail inscriptions

Where can I sell coins on the Internet

If the “old” coin collectors still prefer to sell and buy coins for the collection “from hand to hand”, then collectors of the 21st century have been doing this for a long time using the Internet.
And it is much more profitable for everyone – the coverage of potential buyers can reach several tens of thousands of people, you can even sell the most specific variety, you can buy almost everything. Continue reading

What is numismatics and who such numismatists

Since ancient times, people to collect something. Books, statues, paintings, vases, wardrobe items, tableware items, various postcards, stickers – collecting items brought joy and pleasure. But, besides purely aesthetic pleasure, this is a very interesting hobby and profitable business.
Coin collecting is one of the oldest and most popular today. It is not only about old coins, but also about those that were relatively recently in the “go.” There is a whole science that studies many aspects related to coins: coinage, monetary circulation. This is numismatics. At the heart of the name are the Greek words “nomos” – the law and “nomizma” – a coin. The study of this science involves a number of other disciplines: geography, history, archeology, economics, law, political science, art. Continue reading

Russian coins and medals (XV-XX century)
The history of Russian coins is still relatively short. In its development, the monetary business…


Treasure Hunt in Ukraine
Findings of treasure hunters of Ukraine fascinate with their wealth and antiquity: here are Scythian…
