Byzantine emperors
Vintage German coins and medals
Coinage in the territory of the German state from the end of the Middle Ages (XV century) and until the introduction of the imperial state currency in 1871 is without doubt one of the most versatile and diverse areas of coin collecting.
While other European countries, such as England, Spain or France, by the end of the Middle Ages became national states in which coinage was carried out centrally, Germany until the founding of the Empire after the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) remained geographically heavily fragmented. Continue reading
Crusader coins (ca. 1095-1523)
It is unlikely that there will be events that have had such a strong influence on the social and cultural development of the medieval world from the 11th to the 13th centuries, like the crusades and the associated founding of Christian states in Palestine and the Mediterranean.
In 1095, in the French city of Clermont, Pope Urban II (1088-1099) called for the liberation of the Holy Land from the Muslims and thereby caused a wave of crusades of the high Middle Ages. Continue reading
Medieval coins (ca. 500-1500)
Medieval coins (ca. 500-1500)The Middle Ages spanned 1,000 years of European history, starting with the earliest chased coins of the German successor states of the Roman Empire during the Great Migration and ending with the coins of Emperor Maximilian I (1486-1519), the “last knight”.
The Middle Ages opens up great opportunities for the collector. This area of collecting includes interesting types of coins of the era, which laid the foundations of modern European monetary and monetary affairs. Continue reading