Numismatics - Peter's true passion
In recent years, interest in numismatics has increased among the Russian population, which is both…

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Coins and medals of the colonial countries (XVI-XXI centuries)
While in some countries, for example, in China or Japan, money in the form of…

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About buying coins
Until recently, buying up coins and their further resale could be quite a successful small…


Greek coins (VII-II century BC)
In ancient Greece, the fundamental foundations of the development of European civilization were laid. The…


Byzantine emperors

Vintage German coins and medals

Coinage in the territory of the German state from the end of the Middle Ages (XV century) and until the introduction of the imperial state currency in 1871 is without doubt one of the most versatile and diverse areas of coin collecting.
While other European countries, such as England, Spain or France, by the end of the Middle Ages became national states in which coinage was carried out centrally, Germany until the founding of the Empire after the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) remained geographically heavily fragmented. Continue reading

Medieval coins (ca. 500-1500)

Medieval coins (ca. 500-1500)The Middle Ages spanned 1,000 years of European history, starting with the earliest chased coins of the German successor states of the Roman Empire during the Great Migration and ending with the coins of Emperor Maximilian I (1486-1519), the “last knight”.
The Middle Ages opens up great opportunities for the collector. This area of ​​collecting includes interesting types of coins of the era, which laid the foundations of modern European monetary and monetary affairs. Continue reading

Treasure Hunt in Ukraine
Findings of treasure hunters of Ukraine fascinate with their wealth and antiquity: here are Scythian…


The whole history of numismatics is a kind of struggle with various fakes and other…
