This coin really can not afford neither in size nor in weight. She appeared in…

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Numismatics is one of the most famous and ancient types of collectibles.
Numismatics (collecting coins and medals, including the study of money circulation and the history of…

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What is now in price on the numismatic market
The dollar is falling, and the ruble is growing stronger. Especially - old. Antique coins…


Chinese Coins - 2000 Years of Coin History and Money
China is the most populous country in the world. Its population is 1 billion inhabitants,…


large concave pfennig

Medieval coins (ca. 500-1500)

Medieval coins (ca. 500-1500)The Middle Ages spanned 1,000 years of European history, starting with the earliest chased coins of the German successor states of the Roman Empire during the Great Migration and ending with the coins of Emperor Maximilian I (1486-1519), the “last knight”.
The Middle Ages opens up great opportunities for the collector. This area of ​​collecting includes interesting types of coins of the era, which laid the foundations of modern European monetary and monetary affairs. Continue reading

Treasure Hunt in Ukraine
Findings of treasure hunters of Ukraine fascinate with their wealth and antiquity: here are Scythian…


Byzantine coins (ca. 500-1453)
The fall of the Roman Empire was in the late Middle Ages, at least in…
