Numismatics Museum in Nicosia
The ancient Greeks attributed the invention to heroes of myths, and the Romans to their…

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Coins and medals of the colonial countries (XVI-XXI centuries)
While in some countries, for example, in China or Japan, money in the form of…

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Russian coins and medals (XV-XX century)
The history of Russian coins is still relatively short. In its development, the monetary business…


Roman coins (III century BC - V century AD)
The Roman Empire dominated most of the ancient world known to us for over 500…


migration of peoples

The Great Migration of Nations (4th-6th centuries AD)

The prevailing idea that the hordes of barbarian peoples invaded the borders of the Roman Empire and thus caused its fall is outdated and no longer corresponds to the findings of modern historical science. First, a large number of Germans were in the (military) service of the Roman Empire even before the so-called. the migration of peoples, and, secondly, it is not a question of homogeneous ethnic tribes, but rather of mixed alliances concluded for specific purposes. These alliances and opposed the troops of the late ancient states. Continue reading

European coins and medals (XVI-XXI century)
New time in numismatics begins in Europe around 1500 in the lands of the Habsburgs.…


What is numismatics and who such numismatists
Since ancient times, people to collect something. Books, statues, paintings, vases, wardrobe items, tableware items,…
