Vintage German coins and medals
Coinage in the territory of the German state from the end of the Middle Ages…

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Coin collecting as a hobby
Modern collectors collect various items. Some collect stamps, others - coins, and there are those…

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How to invest money in coins
The stock market is falling, the ruble is getting cheaper, interest on deposits hardly falls…


Cleaning of old coins
The purpose of this message is to acquaint interested readers with the most simple and…


value was supported

Chinese Coins – 2000 Years of Coin History and Money

China is the most populous country in the world. Its population is 1 billion inhabitants, and the history goes back more than 2000 years. Scientists have found that money was used in China in the Neolithic era. Then, however, money, served as cowry shells (“primitive money”). Later, the means of payment were made of bronze in the form of objects of labor, for example, in the form of a knife (bu) or a shovel (dao).
It is believed that Emperor Qin Shi Huang (247-210 BC) in 211 BC introduced the first round coins with a square hole in the center (qian). Continue reading

Interesting facts about coins
Money constantly appears in our world. In any country, in any currency and in any…


Byzantine coins (ca. 500-1453)
The fall of the Roman Empire was in the late Middle Ages, at least in…
