Byzantine coins (ca. 500-1453)
The fall of the Roman Empire was in the late Middle Ages, at least in…

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Chinese Coins - 2000 Years of Coin History and Money
China is the most populous country in the world. Its population is 1 billion inhabitants,…

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About buying coins
Until recently, buying up coins and their further resale could be quite a successful small…


The Russian Empress Elizabeth did not think that a number of her decrees, by which…


rare treasures

Coins and coin type of ancient Greece

The stamp imprint on the coins is the seal of the country or city that issued it. The drawings and inscriptions on the coins represent the most important concept of “coin” science – the coin type.
This concept is very sensitive to the historical and cultural environment in which coins are minted. Ancient Greek coins were the monetary units of the policy, and therefore they reflected what the city lived.
On the early coins of Athens, the drawings seem very unusual: a vase, a part of a horse, a human leg … Continue reading