On the fate of coin stamps of the St. Petersburg Mint
Mikhail Ivanovich Smirnov, the archivist of the St. Petersburg Mint, published an interesting article in…

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Numismatics is one of the most famous and ancient types of collectibles.
Numismatics (collecting coins and medals, including the study of money circulation and the history of…

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About buying coins
Until recently, buying up coins and their further resale could be quite a successful small…


Greek coins (VII-II century BC)
In ancient Greece, the fundamental foundations of the development of European civilization were laid. The…


Leningrad factory

About buying coins

Until recently, buying up coins and their further resale could be quite a successful small business. This is especially true of the 90s, when people, without getting paid for years, carried a lot of coins of the Empire, the USSR, and some sold their collections for a pittance. Today, buying coins is not so profitable. There is one reason – basically there is nothing more to buy, everything has been sold for a long time (drunk). Rarely, when another person finally decides to break his piggy bank and take it up for sale. For this reason, today dealers have to look for coins, where you can buy coins even at market prices, and then sell them a little more expensive through your channels. Continue reading


We are looking at the coin. Do not take her fingers for the image. Even beyond the very edge. There is always fat on the fingers that remains on the coin. From this it rust, tarnish, covered with bloom. If you really need to take the coin with your hands, hold it with two fingers on the opposite sides of the herd. The herd is called the edge of the coin.
In the 18th century, signs on the edge, notches, and inscriptions appeared in Russia. Forging a coin has become much more difficult. There were more than 100 varieties of signs and inscriptions on the gurts of Russian coins. There are simple relief notches, and an indication that this is His Majesty’s ruble, that “a beard is an extra burden”. Continue reading

The most rare and expensive coins of the USSR

In this article we will consider the reasons for the emergence of expensive coins of the USSR. Surprisingly, the list of the most expensive Soviet rubles and kopecks includes not only gold and silver bank notes. In some cases, the cost of copper money is much higher than copies of precious metals.
Let’s find out why some coins are much more expensive than others, and which ones are the most valuable?
List of the most expensive coins of the USSR
1 Chervonets, 1923 – 170,000 rubles. Continue reading