What is the cost of silver coins of Tsarist Russia
We can safely say that silver coins of tsarist Russia of 1700 - 1917, will…

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The most rare and expensive coins of the USSR
In this article we will consider the reasons for the emergence of expensive coins of…

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It is difficult to convey what the collector of old coins is going through, having…


Russian coins and medals (XV-XX century)
The history of Russian coins is still relatively short. In its development, the monetary business…


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Commemorative coins

In the new history there are many anniversaries, celebrations, coronations, which you can almost always find out by looking at the coins issued in honor of this event. A Soviet soldier with a rescued girl in his arms tells about the feat of the people who defeated fascism; Mount Fuji and the intertwined five rings speak of the XVII Olympic Games; the bald Franz Josef recalls the longevity of his reign in the patchwork of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Many events were marked by the release of commemorative coins, which, unlike the medals, were endowed with a certain coin standard and nominal value. Continue reading

What is numismatics and who such numismatists
Since ancient times, people to collect something. Books, statues, paintings, vases, wardrobe items, tableware items,…


This coin really can not afford neither in size nor in weight. She appeared in…
