What is the cost of silver coins of Tsarist Russia
We can safely say that silver coins of tsarist Russia of 1700 - 1917, will…

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Coin Albums
Many numismatists with a sense of satisfaction recall the old days, when doing coin collecting,…

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Opening an antique shop
Acquisition of antiques - it was and remains one of the most reliable ways to…


Interesting facts about coins
Money constantly appears in our world. In any country, in any currency and in any…


can be determined through

Сollecting coins

Now numismatics is not only collecting, but also a good investment of money.
Not for nothing is the most ancient hobby, namely collecting coins, at present, is one of the most interesting, capital-intensive hobby. Experienced collectors have all the necessary knowledge, and easily from a handful of coins will find a valuable, collectible copy, which an ordinary person would pay in the store. When selecting a coin for a collection, one must adhere to certain principles, such as era, year, country, preservation, material of manufacture and much more. Continue reading

Crusader coins (ca. 1095-1523)
It is unlikely that there will be events that have had such a strong influence…


Coins and medals of the colonial countries (XVI-XXI centuries)
While in some countries, for example, in China or Japan, money in the form of…
