How to invest money in coins
The stock market is falling, the ruble is getting cheaper, interest on deposits hardly falls…

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German coins since 1871 - from Reichsmark to Euro
With the adoption of the constitution of the German Empire on April 16, 1871, responsibility…

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Oriental coins (VII-XXI century)
The conquerors of the territories that previously belonged to Byzantium were not familiar with the…


Cleaning of old coins
The purpose of this message is to acquaint interested readers with the most simple and…


easily determine

What is now in price on the numismatic market

The dollar is falling, and the ruble is growing stronger. Especially – old. Antique coins are sold at auctions for “big money”. So, at the Gelos auction before the new year, for five gold rubles of Alexander III, coinage in 1888 was paid 150 thousand, and for a silver dime of 1741 of unique preservation – 90 thousand rubles. A set of two trial kopecks in 1871 of a copper-nickel alloy with a portrait of Alexander I was bought for 120 thousand rubles.
However, this is not the limit. Record is 120 thousand, but already dollars. For so much bought a trial silver ruble in 1806 at the auction of the antique salon “Catherine” in April last year. This is really a big rarity. Even Grand Duke George Mikhailovich, who possessed the largest collection of coins in Russia, had only one copy of it in the collection of the Imperial Hermitage … Continue reading

Сollecting coins

Now numismatics is not only collecting, but also a good investment of money.
Not for nothing is the most ancient hobby, namely collecting coins, at present, is one of the most interesting, capital-intensive hobby. Experienced collectors have all the necessary knowledge, and easily from a handful of coins will find a valuable, collectible copy, which an ordinary person would pay in the store. When selecting a coin for a collection, one must adhere to certain principles, such as era, year, country, preservation, material of manufacture and much more. Continue reading

Vintage German coins and medals
Coinage in the territory of the German state from the end of the Middle Ages…


Coin collecting as a hobby
Modern collectors collect various items. Some collect stamps, others - coins, and there are those…
