What is the cost of silver coins of Tsarist Russia
We can safely say that silver coins of tsarist Russia of 1700 - 1917, will…

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Banknotes and paper money (VIII-XX century)
The history of paper money is just as exciting and varied as the history of…

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Cleaning of old coins
The purpose of this message is to acquaint interested readers with the most simple and…


Celtic Coins (III-I century BC)
The name "Celts" was first mentioned by the Greek historian Herodotus (Greek "keltoi" means "brave").…


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Сollecting coins

Now numismatics is not only collecting, but also a good investment of money.
Not for nothing is the most ancient hobby, namely collecting coins, at present, is one of the most interesting, capital-intensive hobby. Experienced collectors have all the necessary knowledge, and easily from a handful of coins will find a valuable, collectible copy, which an ordinary person would pay in the store. When selecting a coin for a collection, one must adhere to certain principles, such as era, year, country, preservation, material of manufacture and much more. Continue reading

Numismatics is one of the most famous and ancient types of collectibles.

Numismatics (collecting coins and medals, including the study of money circulation and the history of coinage) is one of the most ancient types of collectibles and is probably one of the most popular modern areas of collecting and private investment. Numismatics allows in practice not only to devote your time to an interesting hobby, but also to receive income from investments, to study history (including the political and economic history of society, the history of issuing money), geography, art, foreign languages, changing state symbols, archeology and other interesting subjects, which open up to the novice collector a completely new world of knowledge and time of transmission for him. Continue reading

Opening an antique shop

Acquisition of antiques – it was and remains one of the most reliable ways to invest money, which allows you to ensure a stable income in the amount of 20-50% per annum. That is why not only very wealthy people, as is commonly thought, are engaged in collecting antiquities, but also representatives of the middle class.
The global antiques market is divided into several segments. The largest and most promising of them is painting and sculpture (over 40%). Numismatics and used books are in second place in terms of sales (20%). Continue reading

Oriental coins (VII-XXI century)
The conquerors of the territories that previously belonged to Byzantium were not familiar with the…


- The original ruble of the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in the catalog of V.…
