Interesting facts about coins
Money constantly appears in our world. In any country, in any currency and in any…

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Where can I sell coins on the Internet
If the “old” coin collectors still prefer to sell and buy coins for the collection…

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Cleaning of old coins
The purpose of this message is to acquaint interested readers with the most simple and…


Oriental coins (VII-XXI century)
The conquerors of the territories that previously belonged to Byzantium were not familiar with the…


value of the efimkas


– The original ruble of the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in the catalog of V. I. Petrov (1900) is estimated at 300 rubles.
Of course, the cost of extremely rare items of numismatics is a very relative concept. Petrov understood this very well, pointing to every page of his catalog: “Prices are not obligatory”.
A numismatist is usually interested not so much in the specific cost of a relatively rare numismatic item, as in its historical significance.
From this point of view, the ruble of Alexei Mikhailovich is of double value: both as a great rarity and as a new milestone in the history of Russian money circulation. Continue reading