Сollecting coins
Now numismatics is not only collecting, but also a good investment of money. Not for…

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Possessions of the Habsburgs - Austria (XII-XX centuries)
In 1273, King Rudolph I became the first representative of the Habsburg clan who ascended…

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Valuable little thing. How to make money on investing in rare coins
Rare coins can grow in price by hundreds of percent over ten years. What influences…


Where can I sell coins on the Internet
If the “old” coin collectors still prefer to sell and buy coins for the collection…


for stamping foreign

Numismatics – Peter’s true passion

In recent years, interest in numismatics has increased among the Russian population, which is both exciting and quite profitable. Following this trend, many shops selling antiques open stores for coin collectors, as well as conduct various auctions. And every year the number of numismatists is growing.
Goethe once wrote that coins are “an endless spring of flowers and fruits of art.” According to legend, the coins got their real name due to the fact that they began to produce the courtyard of the temple of the goddess Juno Coins on Capitol Hill in Rome. But it took a long time before the coins became the subject of admiration for Goethe and other poets. Continue reading

Vintage German coins and medals
Coinage in the territory of the German state from the end of the Middle Ages…


Numismatists will be able to collect collectible cryptocurrencies
The most popular electronic currency has once again puzzled its followers. Just a couple of…
