Celtic Coins (III-I century BC)
The name "Celts" was first mentioned by the Greek historian Herodotus (Greek "keltoi" means "brave").…

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The Russian Empress Elizabeth did not think that a number of her decrees, by which…

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Treasure Hunt in Ukraine
Findings of treasure hunters of Ukraine fascinate with their wealth and antiquity: here are Scythian…


The whole history of numismatics is a kind of struggle with various fakes and other…


coins remained subject

Numismatics – Peter’s true passion

In recent years, interest in numismatics has increased among the Russian population, which is both exciting and quite profitable. Following this trend, many shops selling antiques open stores for coin collectors, as well as conduct various auctions. And every year the number of numismatists is growing.
Goethe once wrote that coins are “an endless spring of flowers and fruits of art.” According to legend, the coins got their real name due to the fact that they began to produce the courtyard of the temple of the goddess Juno Coins on Capitol Hill in Rome. But it took a long time before the coins became the subject of admiration for Goethe and other poets. Continue reading

On the fate of coin stamps of the St. Petersburg Mint

Mikhail Ivanovich Smirnov, the archivist of the St. Petersburg Mint, published an interesting article in the 6th issue of the Old Coin: “The Mints Cabinet and the Museum of the Mint of St. Petersburg”. Among the problematic issues, the central place in it was taken up by the question of the fate of coin stamps of the St. Petersburg Mint, the solution of which, as the author points out, encounters difficulties. Recall the provisions formulated by him, which are, in his opinion, the starting point for solving the problem posed. Continue reading

Coins and medals of the colonial countries (XVI-XXI centuries)

While in some countries, for example, in China or Japan, money in the form of coins was used for a long time, most of the Asian, African and American continents at the beginning of the 16th century remained a non-monetary zone.
In Africa, the circulation of coins was not developed until the New Age, and the means of payment were the predecessors of the coins, money in the form of pebbles and seashells. In such regions, coins most often came in the baggage of overseas colonialists, and the first minted coins were copies of metropolitan coins, marked with an additional sign to indicate the corresponding metropolis. Continue reading

Cleaning of old coins
The purpose of this message is to acquaint interested readers with the most simple and…


Medieval coins (ca. 500-1500)
Medieval coins (ca. 500-1500)The Middle Ages spanned 1,000 years of European history, starting with the…
