Cleaning of old coins
The purpose of this message is to acquaint interested readers with the most simple and…

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Byzantine coins (ca. 500-1453)
The fall of the Roman Empire was in the late Middle Ages, at least in…

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Numismatics is one of the most famous and ancient types of collectibles.
Numismatics (collecting coins and medals, including the study of money circulation and the history of…


Roman coins (III century BC - V century AD)
The Roman Empire dominated most of the ancient world known to us for over 500…


for example

Vintage German coins and medals

Coinage in the territory of the German state from the end of the Middle Ages (XV century) and until the introduction of the imperial state currency in 1871 is without doubt one of the most versatile and diverse areas of coin collecting.
While other European countries, such as England, Spain or France, by the end of the Middle Ages became national states in which coinage was carried out centrally, Germany until the founding of the Empire after the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) remained geographically heavily fragmented. Continue reading

European coins and medals (XVI-XXI century)
New time in numismatics begins in Europe around 1500 in the lands of the Habsburgs.…


Byzantine coins (ca. 500-1453)
The fall of the Roman Empire was in the late Middle Ages, at least in…
