The Russian Empress Elizabeth did not think that a number of her decrees, by which…

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Сollecting coins
Now numismatics is not only collecting, but also a good investment of money. Not for…

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European coins and medals (XVI-XXI century)
New time in numismatics begins in Europe around 1500 in the lands of the Habsburgs.…


The Great Migration of Nations (4th-6th centuries AD)
The prevailing idea that the hordes of barbarian peoples invaded the borders of the Roman…


origin of coins

Commemorative coins

In the new history there are many anniversaries, celebrations, coronations, which you can almost always find out by looking at the coins issued in honor of this event. A Soviet soldier with a rescued girl in his arms tells about the feat of the people who defeated fascism; Mount Fuji and the intertwined five rings speak of the XVII Olympic Games; the bald Franz Josef recalls the longevity of his reign in the patchwork of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Many events were marked by the release of commemorative coins, which, unlike the medals, were endowed with a certain coin standard and nominal value. Continue reading


We are looking at the coin. Do not take her fingers for the image. Even beyond the very edge. There is always fat on the fingers that remains on the coin. From this it rust, tarnish, covered with bloom. If you really need to take the coin with your hands, hold it with two fingers on the opposite sides of the herd. The herd is called the edge of the coin.
In the 18th century, signs on the edge, notches, and inscriptions appeared in Russia. Forging a coin has become much more difficult. There were more than 100 varieties of signs and inscriptions on the gurts of Russian coins. There are simple relief notches, and an indication that this is His Majesty’s ruble, that “a beard is an extra burden”. Continue reading

Where can I sell coins on the Internet

If the “old” coin collectors still prefer to sell and buy coins for the collection “from hand to hand”, then collectors of the 21st century have been doing this for a long time using the Internet.
And it is much more profitable for everyone – the coverage of potential buyers can reach several tens of thousands of people, you can even sell the most specific variety, you can buy almost everything. Continue reading

Coins and medals of the colonial countries (XVI-XXI centuries)
While in some countries, for example, in China or Japan, money in the form of…


German coins since 1871 - from Reichsmark to Euro
With the adoption of the constitution of the German Empire on April 16, 1871, responsibility…
