Greek coins (VII-II century BC)
In ancient Greece, the fundamental foundations of the development of European civilization were laid. The…

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Crusader coins (ca. 1095-1523)
It is unlikely that there will be events that have had such a strong influence…

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Franz Joseph I Commemorative Coins
From December 2, 1848, Franz Joseph I was Emperor of the Austrian Empire and King…


Greek coins (VII-II century BC)
In ancient Greece, the fundamental foundations of the development of European civilization were laid. The…


coin stamps kept

On the fate of coin stamps of the St. Petersburg Mint

Mikhail Ivanovich Smirnov, the archivist of the St. Petersburg Mint, published an interesting article in the 6th issue of the Old Coin: “The Mints Cabinet and the Museum of the Mint of St. Petersburg”. Among the problematic issues, the central place in it was taken up by the question of the fate of coin stamps of the St. Petersburg Mint, the solution of which, as the author points out, encounters difficulties. Recall the provisions formulated by him, which are, in his opinion, the starting point for solving the problem posed. Continue reading

Coin collecting as a hobby
Modern collectors collect various items. Some collect stamps, others - coins, and there are those…


Opening an antique shop
Acquisition of antiques - it was and remains one of the most reliable ways to…
