decision was made
Coin collecting as a hobby
Modern collectors collect various items. Some collect stamps, others – coins, and there are those that are particularly original.
Collecting coins is very popular, because everyone who has found or received an unusual coin as a gift will definitely want to receive one more, and then increase their number at times. So, a person turns into a collector, without even waiting for it, and then begins not only to collect them, but also to study them. Continue reading
Numismatists will be able to collect collectible cryptocurrencies
The most popular electronic currency has once again puzzled its followers. Just a couple of days, the bitcoin rate again fell from 11,500 to 8,500 dollars. But such sharp jumps in value do not surprise anyone. Rather, they are the hallmark of all cryptocurrencies. Moreover, according to the former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, Kenneth Rogoff, Bitcoin will not be able to withstand the pressure from the governments of large countries, and in the future its course will drop significantly. Continue reading