Medieval coins (ca. 500-1500)
Medieval coins (ca. 500-1500)The Middle Ages spanned 1,000 years of European history, starting with the…

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Celtic Coins (III-I century BC)
The name "Celts" was first mentioned by the Greek historian Herodotus (Greek "keltoi" means "brave").…

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Cleaning of old coins
The purpose of this message is to acquaint interested readers with the most simple and…


Numismatists will be able to collect collectible cryptocurrencies
The most popular electronic currency has once again puzzled its followers. Just a couple of…


unconquered peoples

Commemorative coins

In the new history there are many anniversaries, celebrations, coronations, which you can almost always find out by looking at the coins issued in honor of this event. A Soviet soldier with a rescued girl in his arms tells about the feat of the people who defeated fascism; Mount Fuji and the intertwined five rings speak of the XVII Olympic Games; the bald Franz Josef recalls the longevity of his reign in the patchwork of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Many events were marked by the release of commemorative coins, which, unlike the medals, were endowed with a certain coin standard and nominal value. Continue reading