What is the cost of silver coins of Tsarist Russia
We can safely say that silver coins of tsarist Russia of 1700 - 1917, will…

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We are looking at the coin. Do not take her fingers for the image. Even…

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Numismatics Museum in Nicosia
The ancient Greeks attributed the invention to heroes of myths, and the Romans to their…


We are looking at the coin. Do not take her fingers for the image. Even…


no need to hire him

Opening an antique shop

Acquisition of antiques – it was and remains one of the most reliable ways to invest money, which allows you to ensure a stable income in the amount of 20-50% per annum. That is why not only very wealthy people, as is commonly thought, are engaged in collecting antiquities, but also representatives of the middle class.
The global antiques market is divided into several segments. The largest and most promising of them is painting and sculpture (over 40%). Numismatics and used books are in second place in terms of sales (20%). Continue reading