Numismatists will be able to collect collectible cryptocurrencies
The most popular electronic currency has once again puzzled its followers. Just a couple of…

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Про банкротство
Banknotes and paper money (VIII-XX century)
The history of paper money is just as exciting and varied as the history of…

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Celtic Coins (III-I century BC)
The name "Celts" was first mentioned by the Greek historian Herodotus (Greek "keltoi" means "brave").…


Franz Joseph I Commemorative Coins
From December 2, 1848, Franz Joseph I was Emperor of the Austrian Empire and King…


have ceased today

What is now in price on the numismatic market

The dollar is falling, and the ruble is growing stronger. Especially – old. Antique coins are sold at auctions for “big money”. So, at the Gelos auction before the new year, for five gold rubles of Alexander III, coinage in 1888 was paid 150 thousand, and for a silver dime of 1741 of unique preservation – 90 thousand rubles. A set of two trial kopecks in 1871 of a copper-nickel alloy with a portrait of Alexander I was bought for 120 thousand rubles.
However, this is not the limit. Record is 120 thousand, but already dollars. For so much bought a trial silver ruble in 1806 at the auction of the antique salon “Catherine” in April last year. This is really a big rarity. Even Grand Duke George Mikhailovich, who possessed the largest collection of coins in Russia, had only one copy of it in the collection of the Imperial Hermitage … Continue reading