Ancient coins
1. Old coins of Russia - gold and silver coins of Prince Vladimir These were…

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Numismatics Museum in Nicosia
The ancient Greeks attributed the invention to heroes of myths, and the Romans to their…

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We are looking at the coin. Do not take her fingers for the image. Even…


Roman coins (III century BC - V century AD)
The Roman Empire dominated most of the ancient world known to us for over 500…


Byzantine emperors

Chinese Coins – 2000 Years of Coin History and Money

China is the most populous country in the world. Its population is 1 billion inhabitants, and the history goes back more than 2000 years. Scientists have found that money was used in China in the Neolithic era. Then, however, money, served as cowry shells (“primitive money”). Later, the means of payment were made of bronze in the form of objects of labor, for example, in the form of a knife (bu) or a shovel (dao).
It is believed that Emperor Qin Shi Huang (247-210 BC) in 211 BC introduced the first round coins with a square hole in the center (qian). Continue reading

Coins and medals of the colonial countries (XVI-XXI centuries)

While in some countries, for example, in China or Japan, money in the form of coins was used for a long time, most of the Asian, African and American continents at the beginning of the 16th century remained a non-monetary zone.
In Africa, the circulation of coins was not developed until the New Age, and the means of payment were the predecessors of the coins, money in the form of pebbles and seashells. In such regions, coins most often came in the baggage of overseas colonialists, and the first minted coins were copies of metropolitan coins, marked with an additional sign to indicate the corresponding metropolis. Continue reading

Valuable little thing. How to make money on investing in rare coins
Rare coins can grow in price by hundreds of percent over ten years. What influences…


Where can I sell coins on the Internet
If the “old” coin collectors still prefer to sell and buy coins for the collection…
